Delivery Country

We have confirmed that we can ship to the following countries. (Ask us if your country is not listed. We’ll ship products to countries where you can receive alcohol products. >>Contact Us)

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • United Kingdom (UK)

Unfortunately, we cannot deliver to the following countries.

  • USA (You need to have the importer license if you want to import alcohol.)
  • France (You need to have an importer to receive an item. If you can do so, please contact us.)
  • Poland (The maximum price that can be imported for alcohol is limited to EUR 50, making delivery impractical.)

For all other countries not listed above, please check the local laws in your country, including taxes, quantities, amounts, etc., to ensure that you can receive alcoholic products in your country before placing your order.

International Delivery Charges

Delivery charges are automatically calculated based on your delivery location and the weight of your order. Simply add your chosen bottles to the basket and enter your address (exact address and postcode required for calculation). Prices will then be automatically calculated for you in the basket before you proceed.
IMPORTANT: Product prices and shipping charges are based on Japanese yen and prices quoted in other currencies are for reference only. In addition, prices quoted in currencies other than the Japanese yen may change on a daily basis due to exchange rates.

How to check your delivery charges

  1. Add an item/items to the basket
  2. Go to [Cart] > [View basket]
  3. In the Basket totals, press [Calculate shipping] (or press [Change address] if another address is shown)
  4. Input your address and press [update]

    Your delivery charges will be shown.

Important note about customs charges

If you are shipping outside of Japan, please be aware that your order will likely be subject to customs duties and taxes upon arrival in the destination country. You will be contacted directly by customs for payment of these charges. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide information on the amount of these charges. It is strongly recommended that you contact your local customs office or consult the government website for advice before placing your order.

What happens if you do not pay the duties and taxes due on import?

If you do not pay your duties and taxes in the country of arrival, your goods will be returned to us. We are sorry, but we do not accept cancellations of goods, so no refunds will be given even if you request a cancellation of your order. If you wish to have the goods resent, please be aware that you will be charged again for delivery. To avoid any further complications, please ensure that you pay all duties and taxes on your order when you receive the goods in the destination country.